Top 10 accessories for smartphone #smartphone #cheapest #2020

  Top 10 accessories for mobile phone
Guys i am technical pirate and i am return with my new post.we all use smartphone so we should use accessories to improve our experience.

1. A phone sanitizer:~

This is the sanitizer for mobile phone this uses uv ray to kill bacteria in our phone and the company says that can kill 99.99% of bacteria.This item is easily buyble in Amazon market.

2. Portable Bluetooth Speaker:~

This is a portable Bluetooth speaker.This is waterproof and have a good sound quality. And enjoyable in picknick and for outdoor.

3. Waterproof pouch For mobile:~

If your phone is not waterproof or doesn't still stand long time in water so this is for you my friend.This is easily
found in amzon and other market but i will recrecomd you to buy Amazon to save some cash.

4. Portable photo printer:~

This is a portable printer that can easily print anything with your mobile.just click your photo and instantly print that. This is the cheapest mini printer in the market.

5. portable projector:~

This projcetor can project upto 1080p videos with battery life of 6 hours and fit in your pocket.

6. 10,000 mah powerbank:~

This is the power bank of xiaomi one of the trusted brand in the world. you should buy this very essential thing in your emargancy and for outdoors.

7. Selfie stick:~

we all know that,this is very essential thing who loves to click photo. This is the best selfie stick now in market .2 in 1 means a selfie stick or tripod.

8. A phone case that holds cards:~

This phone can hold your bank cards or your money.This very useful and easy to use. you can buy this from Amazon or other markets.

9.Mobile keyboard:~

I personally love to work with keyboard, Like me a keyboard lover you should use this because while emailing or in typing work this will help you lot.

10. VR Headset:~

VR Headset increase your every experience in insane level.No more talks because this is the beast.


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